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1.  How often does SILVER'N GRACE release new products?

We are frequently adding new products to our collection.  We typically release new products every 2 to 3 weeks.  From time to time we will release limited designs as well.

2.  Do I have to pay any taxes and duties?

Taxes and duties are never been included in the list price of your purchase.  In most cases, taxes and duties are not applied in most goods, however, in some special circumstances, parcels may be examined in some countries and your orders may incur taxes and duties which are advised in the checkout process.  We have no control over such fees.  This fee is levied by the country you are shipping to and has to be paid by the recipient.  More information can be obtained by contacting your local customs office.
3.  Is GST calculated for my orders?

All our products are shipped out from Hong Kong, while Hong Kong is a free trade port and GST is not imposed.  Therefore, our prices on the webpage do not
include the GST.  You will not be charged GST wherever you receive our products.
4.  Besides payment by credit card, can I use other method to settle the payment?

Yes, you can!  Payment by credit card is the fastest and easiest way to have your order shipped.  However, under special circumstances, we also accept
other methods like bank remittance, bank cheque, etc.  All extra bank charges collected by your bank, are at the cost of customers.
If you may need this payment service, please contact us at email at [email protected] in advance for details.
5.  Why can SILVER'N GRACE offer “Free Shipping Worldwide”? 



All SILVER'N GRACE products are delivered by “Hong Kong Post”, which is capable to provide economical but reliable postal service.  Meanwhile, our products are relatively light in weight and therefore SILVER'N GRACE can provide free delivery service, without marking-up our list price to cover the postal fee. 


6.  Where does SILVER'N GRACE design and produce their products? 

Most of the designs are originated from our designers in Hong Kong.  Meanwhile, we cooperated with design schools in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan (in alphabetical order), which allows their students to participate in our designs through competition. 
In accordance to the product type and production logistics, currently our suppliers are mainly located in Asia, inclusive of China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand (in alphabetical order). Meanwhile, all our crystal components are made in Austria.
7.  I still have other problems, other than the FAQ listed above!

No problem!  Please send us email at [email protected] and we will reply you.  Please write in English or Chinese language, to ensure you a prompt reply.